Welcome !
First United Methodist Church of Ada, Ohio
A church of Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Live Stream - Sunday Worship Service
February 16, 10:00 am

February 16, 10:00 am

Worship with us!

All are welcome in person in our sanctuary each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. You are also welcome to join us digitally via our Live Stream link above or on our Podcast. If you missed a worship service, check out the church's past services on the church's Youtube channel.

You are invited to browse the church's Facebook page for announcements and each Sunday we send a livestream to the Facebook page as well. Visit our Worship webpage where you will find additional information.

We want all to feel welcome and safe in our worship services. Some individuals may choose to wear a mask. Please respect their choice and be sensitive to those who prefer to wear masks.

Prayer Requests

Have a prayer request?  Complete this Google Form and Pastor Brandi will receive your request.

10 Year Anniversary of the Building

That’s right – our beautiful building is 10 years old already! We will mark this monumental occasion with a special celebration during church services on Sunday, March 16, with a potluck to follow. If you have any historical Ada First artifacts such as news articles, pictures, bulletins, etc. that you’re willing to loan for display during the celebration please contact Nancy Allison or the church office.

Ash Wednesday

Mark your calendars! Ash Wednesday is March 5th, and we will once again be providing Drive Thru Blessings and Distribution of Ashes. Times and volunteer info are coming soon.