Welcome !
First United Methodist Church of Ada, Ohio
A church of Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Live Stream - Sunday Worship Service
September 8, 10:00 am

September 8, 10:00 am

Worship with us!

All are welcome in person in our sanctuary each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. You are also welcome to join us digitally via our Live Stream link above or on our Podcast. If you missed a worship service, check out the church's past services on the church's Youtube channel.

You are invited to browse the church's Facebook page for announcements and each Sunday we send a livestream to the Facebook page as well. Visit our Worship webpage where you will find additional information.

We want all to feel welcome and safe in our worship services. Some individuals may choose to wear a mask. Please respect their choice and be sensitive to those who prefer to wear masks.

Prayer Requests

Have a prayer request?  Complete this Google Form and Pastor Brandi will receive your request.

Church Potluck (and Welcome Back ONU Students)

Please plan to join us on Sept. 8 following the worship service for a potluck lunch. We will be inviting ONU students to join us for worship and the Potluck. Please bring a dish to share (table service and drinks will be provided).  If you are able to help with setup or cleanup, please let the church office know.

Fall Sermon Series - Liturgy of the Ordinary

Beginning September 15.  

Liturgy of The Ordinary: sacred practices in everyday life 

(Based on the book by Tish Harrison Warren)

In the overlooked moments and routines of our day, we can become aware of God's presence in surprising ways. How do we embrace the sacred in the ordinary and the ordinary in the sacred?

Framed around one ordinary day, we will explore daily life through the lens of liturgy, small practices, and habits that form us. Each week will look at something—making the bed, brushing our teeth, losing our keys—that we do every day. Each daily activity is related to a spiritual practice as well as an aspect of our Sunday worship. Come and discover the holiness of your every day!

Harvest and Herb Festival

The Harvest and Herb Festival is Saturday, Sept. 21. We will have a float in the parade and the United Women in Faith will host a lunch. We need candy and bottled water donations (please bring to the office) as well as float riders. The parade lines up at 9am and begins at 10am. The UWF lunch will be from 11am-1:30pm.